List of Hyperium Features - Alternatives:
Hyperium Client Cracked
- Hyperium has no sort of anti-cheat in it. Someone using Hyperium could 100% be cheating if they knew how to inject vape/ another client into the game. Edit: what the devs said ^.
- Hyperium replacements. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Hyperium Client Review
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- Blurred Gui Background - tterrag1098 Blur
- Clear Glass - canelex Clear Glass
- Fire Height - Sk1er Patcher
- Persistent Chat Messages - Sk1er Patcher
- Roman Numerals - Sk1er Patcher
- Show Own Nametag - Sk1er Patcher
- Transparent Container Backgrounds - Sk1er Patcher
- Upload Screenshots - Sk1er Patcher
- Welcome to the Hypixel Zoo - Chachy WelcomeToTheHypixelZoo
- Broadcast Achievements - Sk1er Hytilities (Beta - Currently only available in Sk1er Discord)
- Disable Leather Armor - Sk1er Hytilities (Beta - Currently only available in Sk1er Discord)
- Friends First in Tab - None
- Ping on DM - None, Hypixel has this feature
- Send Guild Welcome Message - Sk1er Hytilities (Beta - Currently only available in Sk1er Discord)
- Thank Watchdog - Sk1er Hytilities (Beta - Currently only available in Sk1er Discord)
- Disable Armorstands - Sk1er Patcher
- Disable Enchantment Glint - Sk1er Patcher
- Disable End Portals - Sk1er Patcher
- Disable Item Frames - Sk1er Patcher
- Disable Lightning Bolts - None
- Disable Shadowed Text - Sk1er Patcher
- Limbo FPS Limiter - Sk1er Hytilities (Beta - Currently only available in Sk1er Discord)
- Fast World Switching - Sk1er Patcher
- Smart Sounds - None
- Void Flicker Fix - Sk1er Patcher
- Windowed Fullscreen - Sk1er Patcher
- Compact Chat - Sk1er Patcher
- Discord RP - ConnorLinfoot Discord RP
- Fast Chat - Sk1er Patcher
- Fullbright - Sk1er Patcher
Hyperium Client 1.8.9
- Different Main Menu - Lumien231 Custom Main Menu
- Confirm Disconnect - Sk1er Patcher
Hyperium Client Cracked
- ShinyPots - RoccoDev ShinyPots
- 1.7 Animations - Sk1er Old Animations (Beta - Only currently available in Sk1er Discord, currently missing item switch)
- Auto MyPosition - AICQ Auto MyPosition
- AutoGG - Sk1er AutoGG
- Bossbar - Sk1er Bossbar Customizer
- Chunk Animator - Lumien231 Chunk Animator
- Entity Radius - Sk1er Patcher
- FOV Modifier - Sk1er Patcher
- Glint Colorizer - Powns Glint Colorizer
- Item Physics - CreativeMD Item Physics
- Motion Blur - Sk1er Motion Blur
- Sidebar Mod - Powns & canelex Sidebar Mod
- Keystrokes - Sk1er Keystrokes
- ToggleChat - boomboompower ToggleChat
- Custom Crosshair - Sparkless101 Custom Crosshair
- Popup Events - Sk1er Popup Events
- (Hyperium's) Reach Display - None
- Numeric Ping - Sk1er Patcher
- Show amount of currently held item - Sk1er Patcher
- Show enchantments above hotbar - Sk1er Patcher
- Show attack damage above hotbar - Sk1er Patcher
- Show armor protection in inventory - Sk1er Patcher
- Show armor projectile protection in inventory - Sk1er Patcher
- Hide names in F1 - Sk1er Patcher
- Disable Titles - None
- Disable Portal Sounds - Sk1er Patcher
- Disable Achievements - Sk1er Patcher
- Rear Cam - ScottehBoeh BehindYou!
- ToggleSprint - Powns Togglesprint
- Name History - Sk1er Patcher
- Perspective Mod - DJtheRedstoner Perspective Mod